Der Wald tut uns gut, das spüren wir intuitiv. Doch was bisher mehr ein Gefühl war, belegt jetzt die Wissenschaft. Sie erforscht das heilende Band zwischen Mensch und Natur, das einen viel stärkeren Effekt auf uns hat, als wir bisher dachten.
Der Wald tut uns gut, das spüren wir intuitiv. Doch was bisher mehr ein Gefühl war, belegt jetzt die Wissenschaft. Sie erforscht das heilende Band zwischen Mensch und Natur, das einen viel stärkeren Effekt auf uns hat, als wir bisher dachten.
Das Geschäft mit dem Garten blüht. Kaum ein Rasenfleck, der von chemischen Düngemitteln und Pestiziden verschont bleibt.
Five-year-old Liam loves to hear his grandfather, Pap, tell the story about when he was five-year-old Ricky. In 1949, Ricky´s father was the newly appointed Administrative Assistant for President Harry Truman.
A dark bizarro tale, a disturbing peek into the world of gainers and feeders; grotesquely obese individuals and the people who facilitate their growth for the lascivious pleasure of both parties. Join our heroine in a fantastical journey to discov.
The 195 page exhaustive study presents data from 53 North American colleges and universities about their information literacy efforts. The study helps its readers to answer questions such as: which academic departments are most supportive of infor.
By examining the influence of social, political, economic and cultural forces on the evolution of modern law enforcement, this updated Third Edition discusses the struggle between existing conventions in law enforcement and today´s push for refor.
If you´re a developer looking to supplement your own data tools and services, this concise ebook covers the most useful sources of public data available today. You´ll find useful information on APIs that offer broad coverage, tie their data to t.
Five-year-old Liam loves to hear his grandfather, Pap, tell the story about when he was five-year-old Ricky. In 1949, Ricky´s father was the newly appointed Administrative Assistant for President Harry Truman.