Titus doesn´t think much of the moon. But then Titus doesn´t think much period. He´s got his ´´feed´´ – an internet implant linked directly into his brain – to do his thinking for him.
Titus doesn´t think much of the moon. But then Titus doesn´t think much period. He´s got his ´´feed´´ – an internet implant linked directly into his brain – to do his thinking for him.
Taken, frozen and eaten – this is the fate facing the human race from enemy invaders – unless fourteen-year-olds Lola and Patrick can stop them.
.Taken, frozen and eaten /- this is the fate facing the human race from enemy invaders /- unless fourteen-year-olds Lola and Patrick can stop them.
.BOOK TRAILER: (SPOILER ALERT) www.PatriceWilliamsMarks.com´´I really liked this story from screenwriter Patrice Williams. ´´The Unfinished´´ centers on a man brought back from the dead for 72 hours in order to identify his killer.
Vegan oder milchfrei zu kochen, heißt nicht auf den Geschmack und zarten Schmelz von Käse zu verzichten – weder bei herzhaft belegten Broten, überbackenem Toast, Pizza und Lasagne noch bei cremigen Pastasaucen. Gewusst wie, lassen sich pf.
Warum teure Fertigprodukte kaufen? Mach deine veganen Basics doch einfach selbst: Tofu, Seitan, Mandelmilch, Kokosmilch, Käse, Butter, Kuchen, Ketchup, Soßen, Brotaufstriche, Essig, Öl, Müsli, Kekse, Schokolade – zum Sofort-Genießen ode.
Welcome to the fourth edition of Professional JSP, designed to help new and experienced Java developers alike discover the power (and even the joy) of creating Java-based server-side solutions for the Web by using JavaServer Pages, or JSP for shor.